In sixteen days the journey will commence. From my temporary home of Pittsburgh, Pa, Nicole and I will be driving across country, to Irvine, California. We'll be stopping to visit family, National Parks, and at least a few interesting road kills (keep your fingers crossed). Erik is in charge of making reservations and all things
manly (like putting unleaded gasoline in the car-sorry Lindsay...too easy. Not funny yet?). Nicole will be in charge of all things
womanly like nagging Erik and documenting the trip in a book with pages that smell like flowers..
Below is a picture of our route, and for those of you a little computer illiterate, it is also a link to the google maps page we used to plot it out...

Well that is all for now, we'll be sure to update you all as we go along with plenty of entertaining posts. However we don't have a camera yet, so we're hoping we can snag one before leaving for your enjoyment....
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